Max Folsom

marthaA writer who never dreamed of writing fiction? An avid reader all her life, an editor, reviewer, speech writer, Ms. Folsom never envisioned herself an author, a mystery writer.

“It was an impossible concept to me,” she says. “I couldn’t conceive of how an author would come up with a story and all its details, just as I couldn’t understand how a composer could hear the music and put it to paper. But one afternoon sitting in the back yard, the scene of private detective Baker Somerset finding the dead body at her office came to me full blown.” My husband said, “Write it down and see what happens.”

A member of Sisters in Crime, Crime Writers of Canada, and the League of Vermont Writers, she also writes a review column in the quarterly Sherlockian journal Groans, Cries and Bleatings. Married to a retired Canadian military officer, she divides her time between Vermont and Ottawa.